
By getting on to this site and utilizing its services, you unequivocally concur with the terms of this Privacy Statement and our Terms and Conditions. You consent to conform to the terms that oversee the utilization of this site and its administrations and that additionally represent all data provided by you in our website. You are not liable to use this unless and until you agree the privacy policy and terms and conditions of this website.

Our website has third party links to the other websites. These connections are given only to data purposes and to help with finding on Internet assets. Consequently, we are not in charge of the security privacy or the substance of such sites.

We keep up the list of an email subscription of clients who are interested in getting newsletters, special declarations or curated content from our website. Subscribers are requested to give their:
  • name ( first name will do)
  • email address
Giving this data implies that the guest/subscriber is providing us permission to get email communication from Chasing Places.Take note that with respect to our newsletter and subscriptions program, we don’t gather other private data from our subscribers.

We use a safe pick in subscription system. By joining to this subscription list, the member provides us the right to get in touch with them with data related to mylivemint.blogspot.com.

The subscribers have a right to unsubscribe and each mail delivered from us contain an “Unsubscribe” link.

