Cyclone Gaja makes landfall in Tamil Nadu: As many as 81,948 people were evacuated from low lying areas and sheltered at over 471 relief centres in six districts including Nagapattinam, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Tiruvarur. Follow LIVE UPDATES here.
Cyclone Gaja LIVE UPDATES: The severe cyclonic storm is
likely to move nearly westwards and weaken gradually into a cyclonic storm.
The severe cyclonic storm ‘Gaja’
crossed the Tamil Nadu coast between Nagapattinam and Vedaranniyam early Friday
morning with wind speeds gusting up to 120 kmph, news agency PTI reported.
The severe cyclonic storm is likely to move nearly westwards and weaken
gradually into a cyclonic storm, the latest bulletin released by IMD stated.
As many as 81,948 people were
evacuated from low lying areas and sheltered at over 471 relief centres in six
districts including Nagapattinam, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram and Tiruvarur, PTI
The weather department earlier
recommended complete suspension of fishing operations along the coasts of north
Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and adjoining Andhra Pradesh. The government has also
announced helpline numbers 1070 (state-level) and 1077 (districts) for those
who may need assistance.