Why some people cannot dance!

Music and dance are two of the most popular forms to express oneself and have been found to be very therapeutic, finding its place in all cultures and places, such that humans have adapted themselves to the song and dance routine and it has become a part of our natural chemistry. It’s easy to single somebody who cannot dance from a crowd at any party or wedding. And for the ones who cannot match their steps to the beat, they have accepted their fate.

But why is that some people just cannot dance? There seems to be something missing in their brain chemistry!

Even if we listen to a sound, the natural reaction is to chime and nod our head, which is what makes us so different from animals. Evidence also backs that babies have a way to react to music while they are still in their womb. Then why do some people face difficulty here?

What makes them different?
The process of rhythm co-ordination doesn’t come naturally to some people. Although rare, this does affect a very small percentage of the population and is a real disorder known as “beat deafness”.
People who are beat deaf, much like deaf people face a great deal difficulty in their hand-eye coordination and
 have poor motor skills, which stops their brain from creating a natural rhythm flow or synchronisation. They have the ability to clap or tap their feet better when there is no music. They need guidance and therapy to even find a beat, which comes naturally to people.

Beat-deafness arises depending on how the internal biological rhythm changes when it comes in contact with external cues. While most people are able to adapt the rhythm to any form of external stimulation, some are less able to do that. The brain has a large part to play here and the process of "neural entrainment" supports the coordination of body movements.
This occurs when regular sensory input, like music with a clear beat, triggers periodic bursts of synchronised brain activity. This periodic activity can continue independent of external rhythmic input due to interactions between already excited neurons.

Entrainment can thus enhance processing of incoming information by allocating neural resources to the right place at the right time. When performing or dancing to music, entrainment allows the timing of upcoming beats to be predicted but for beat deaf people, their nervous system just doesn't support any form of coordination and makes it difficult for them to concentrate and react to a beat like other people. Hence, their brain chemistry doesn't support any kind of rhythm.


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